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Learn how government policy and elections affect older Americans, and how AARP is fighting for them in Congress and across the country.

AARP California

News, tools, resources, & research that matter to Californians 50+
Stay informed about the L.A. wildfires with updates, emergency resources, and safety tips.
Honoring Everyday Excellence in our Communities! During Black History Month, we honor leaders who consistently dedicate themselves to uplifting and supporting their communities.
In English | Los incendios forestales de las pasadas semanas Los Ángeles y sus alrededores han arrasado vecindarios y destruido miles de estructuras, obligando a decenas de miles de personas a evacuar sus hogares.
Natural disasters can leave communities vulnerable- not just to damage, but also to scams. This guide will walk you through common disaster scams and prevention tips.
In Clear Terms with AARP California™ is a free podcast that focuses on issues impacting Californians of all ages.
Small changes in our lives can often make a lasting impact and we’re connecting you to workshops to help you choose how you live as you age. Join us and the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center for in-person conversations about brain health, fraud prevention and decluttering.
SACRAMENTO – Earlier today the Senate voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a bill that includes several key provisions to lower the prices of prescription drugs. AARP California thanks Senators Feinstein and Padilla for supporting this critical legislation and moving one step closer to real relief for seniors.
Consumers have reported losing a record-breaking $5.8 billion to fraud in 2021—with imposter scams skyrocketing, according to a new report by the FTC.
As the pandemic’s economic upheaval continues to reverberate, AARP California is presenting a series of free one-hour presentations, geared to the Latino community, to help people build financial resilience.
AARP is working in partnership with local leaders, organizations and dedicated residents to help make California more livable for residents of all ages.
AARP has filed testimony with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in response to a four-year rate plan submitted by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). Starting with an 18% increase in 2023 for both electric and gas service, this is PG&E’s biggest rate increase in decades and follows a 9% rate increase imposed upon PG&E customers earlier this year. If approved, by 2026, customers would see their energy bills skyrocket: a 39.25% increase over 2021 for electric rates, and a 56.9% increase for gas rates.
Observed on June 19, Juneteenth National Independence Day is a historic holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States.
Some 16 million PG&E customers could see their utility bills jump by an estimated 20 percent or more under rate hikes proposed by Pacific Gas & Electric. That would mean a yearly increase from 2023 to 2026.
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