Honoring Everyday Excellence in our Communities! During Black History Month, we honor leaders who consistently dedicate themselves to uplifting and supporting their communities.
In English | Los incendios forestales de las pasadas semanas Los Ángeles y sus alrededores han arrasado vecindarios y destruido miles de estructuras, obligando a decenas de miles de personas a evacuar sus hogares.
Natural disasters can leave communities vulnerable- not just to damage, but also to scams. This guide will walk you through common disaster scams and prevention tips.
As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, AARP California offered its members, and their members’ friends and relatives, the exclusive opportunity to enjoy a free prescreening of the movie, “ Cantinflas”a day before its world premiere, which took place in the city of Whittier. The first 100 attendees were also treated to a free popcorn and soda.
En Español | Gather your girlfriends for a “comadres” night out with AARP staff, volunteers, and other members to see Menopausia El Musical® in Spanish! Approximately 40 million women between the ages of 45-55 are going through menopause. Menopausia tells the story of four women with nothing in common but a black lace bra on sale...until they find out they have more to share than they ever imagined. The musical parody is set to 25 tunes from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s.
AARP California works to help our state's 3.1 million members reach their goals and dreams and make the most of life after 50. We partner with volunteers and community organizations to work on issues that matter to baby boomers and people 50+. Through advocacy, education, and collaborative projects, we bring relevant resources and information to our members and the public.