Tech support scams have lurked online for years. They often come in the guise of a pop-up message on your computer screen, claiming you have viruses, and malware or spyware on your computer. The pop-ups come with a phone number to call for assistance. The operator convinces you to buy hundreds of dollars of tech support services you don't need.
The federal government grant scam has been around for years. But now, scammers are finding targets through social media. The informative video below, the second in our latest series showcasing the most common scams, tells you just what to look for to avoid becoming a government grant scammer's next victim. Please share this important clip with your friends and family, so they too know what to look for to avoid being victimized by fraud.
The summer months are prime time for home repair scams. The general ruse involves someone coming to your door and offering to do work on your home, typically at a big discount.
Identity thieves and tax scammers typically begin targeting their victims during tax filing time, but more especially, after tax season when tax refunds are being paid out. And that is why AARP California, The IRS Criminal Investigation Division and The AARP Fraud Watch Network invite you to join a live informative telephone town hall discussion on Thursday, April 12th, 2018, at 6:00 PM PT about simple ways we can protect ourselves from fraud and tax scams. This discussion will include special guest speakers from the IRS Criminal Investigation Division and from AARP’s Fraud Watch Network. Sign up here!