AARP’s “Portraits of Community” is a unique project that presents a vibrant visual representation of how communities can embody the 8 Domains of Livability. These 8 Domains highlight the idea that our neighborhoods, roadways, and social interactions should be constructed in a way that benefit people of all ages and abilities, and that building communities in such a way has a lasting, positive impact. “Portraits of Community” is a “visualization” of the wants and needs of community members.
Español. Hispanic Heritage Month is the perfect time to reflect upon your salud, dinero y amor. After all, doing more for yourself helps you do more for your family.
English. El Mes d e la Herencia Hispana es el momento perfecto para reflexionar sobre tu salud, dinero y amor. Después de todo, hacer más por ti mismo te ayuda a hacer más por tu familia. Todos los eventos listados abajo seran impartidos en el idioma inglés.
Español The City of National City and its partners, together with AARP of San Diego, invite you to join the "Westside Pedestrian & Bicycle Enhancements" Active Living Workshop. Active Living Workshops are designed to engage communities in making their streets and neighborhoods more walkable and livable.
English La Ciudad de National City y sus aliados, junto con AARP en San Diego, los invitan a que participen en el taller de “Mejorias para Peatones y Ciclistas del Westside”, un taller de vida activa. Los talleres de vida activa están diseñados para involucrar a las comunidades a hacer que sus calles y comunidades sean lugares más caminables y habitables.
What would make Los Angeles an even better place to live? In 2016, AARP staff posed this question online and in person via listening posts — large writing surfaces stocked with markers and pens — in South Los Angeles. In both instances, we asked community members to weigh in on this simple, yet essential question. Responses formed a true snapshot of the intersection between the existing beauty of our communities and the endless possibilities of how we can make them even better; they ranged from affordable housing, to safe parks, reliable transit and intergenerational connectivity.
El verano ya está acá y el clima así lo demuestra. Únetenos a nuestros varios eventos de esta temporada de diversión acá en Los Ángeles. Entra en ambiente con nosotros en Grand Performances, una serie de eventos que conectan a los angelinos con una amplia variedad de arte y artistas. Esta serie de eventos gratuitos reúne la belleza de Los Ángeles con una variedad de música, danza, cine, y palabra hablada de L.A. y todo el mundo. Participa en un taller informativo “HomeFit” y obtén consejos sobre cómo envejecer de una manera segura y feliz en tu hogar. Asiste a un taller “TEK” y ponte al día acerca de las últimas técnicas y características de tu tableta o teléfono inteligente.
Join us at the Aging Summit 2016, an event organized by the Health and Human Services Agency of San Diego County and Live Well San Diego to explore livable communities and healthy aging.
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Supervisor Hilda Solis, Chair of the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, held a joint press conference on May 18 to announce details of “ Purposeful Aging: An Age Friendly Initiative,” an endeavor that seeks to establish the Los Angeles region as one of the most age-friendly in the world, and ensure a better future for residents of all ages.