A ARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax preparation and assistance service, has several locations throughout the state to assist low- to moderate-income, with a particular focus on people 50 and over, in filing taxes.
It’s not uncommon for the AARP Foundation Housing Impact Team to receive letters, emails, and occasionally telephone calls from people age 50+ who are having trouble with their mortgage or may be facing foreclosure. After all, between 2007 and 2011 the foreclosure rate among people 50+ increased over 800 percent.
Did you know that AARP airs a show through RFD-TV, a rural provider, that brings information about older adults and the issues they care about in rural areas, and many Colorado communities can tune in?
At some point, caregivers wear out and truly need to tap into other resources for help. But where does one start and what is available in the community? This session will review a variety of helpful community resources and explain how
For older adults, limiting driving or stopping driving altogether can represent the end of freedom and independence. Family members may feel angry, frustrated, or guilty about making driving-related decisions. How do you talk to someone
How many of us have planned to age well? Quite often, due to our aversion to death and the aging process, we disregard the need to plan for our physical and cognitive demise. In order to plan well, we must realistically assess our
Caregiving in the 21st century is an interesting journey. We’ll examine the demographic trends and societal changes in the U.S. that are fueling growing concerns about aging, illness, and caregiving. We need to prepare to care for ourselves and our loved ones. Being proactive always beats being reactive when it comes to reducing stress!