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Ratepayers Can Voice Their Position by Signing an Online Petition or Attending Public Hearings in February, March & April
AARP Connecticut encourages potentially impacted ratepayers to voice their position on the rate increase requests.
With the falling temperatures and colder winter months ahead, AARP Connecticut is raising awareness among Eversource Energy and United Illuminating consumers of changes to standard service generation rates that become effective January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024.
AARP Connecticut submitted a petition signed by hundreds of members who support the draft decision by Connecticut’s Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) that rejected United Illuminating Company’s rate increase request.
A new state law has launched MyCTSavings, a state-facilitated retirement savings option for private-sector workers.
AARP Connecticut State Director Nora Duncan provided the following statement in response to the biennial budget Governor Lamont proposed today:
AARP Connecticut submitted to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) a petition that was signed by thousands of Connecticut residents in the 17 towns serviced by United Illuminating Company opposing the utility provider’s request to implement a rate increase on the regulated delivery portion of electric bills. This will significantly raise the cost of electricity for Connecticut ratepayers, who already pay the highest retail electricity price in the continental United States, by nearly 15% over three years. If approved, the rate increase would be in addition to a significant increase in the cost of deregulated supply that will take effect on January 1, 2023.
AARP Connecticut is very concerned about the health and safety of state residents as we enter the winter months. Many of our members are on moderate, low, or fixed incomes, and they are being hit hard by inflation and the ongoing economic impacts of the pandemic.
Three Public Hearings in October Offer Ratepayers Opportunity to Provide Testimony
The following guest post was submitted by Nancy Schwartz, Founder and Transformational Strategist, Envision Healthy Retirement. AARP Connecticut urges people to consult with their doctor about their dietary needs.
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