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AARP AARP States Volunteering

Help the Hungry with a Click of the Computer Mouse


In cooperation with the nonprofit Iowa Food Bank Association and Spindustry Digital, a marketing agency based in Des Moines, AARP helped create and is promoting a virtual food drive.

AARP Iowa wants to keep older state residents from going hungry. An estimated 150,000 Iowans age 50-plus sometimes worry about how or where they will get their next meal.

Within a week of its December launch, the online food drive raised more than $1,000 to help feed hungry Iowans. Donors can visit the website to buy a bundle of groceries for a family, or purchase food items in bulk. By giving online, donors don’t have to deliver their contributions to a local food bank, and the Iowa Food Bank Association can trim costs by buying in bulk.

The association coordinates support for eight food banks statewide.

To give, go to

Photo by   malloreigh/flickr

About AARP States
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