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AARP AARP States Events

Dreaming of More? Ready to Explore Your What's Next?

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Join AARP for a Life Reimagined Check Up in Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls or Des Moines and put the power of change in your hands, learning how to take control of your transitions and decisions.

Today’s 50-plus Americans are living longer, healthier lives while navigating economic, health, social and technological realities unlike any generation before them. AARP’s Life Reimagined program is designed for adapting to these new aging challenges. It equips people to lead the type of life they imagine and prompts them to consider the most important questions they face.

Experience your own Life Reimagined Checkup by joining us at one of the free, two-hour events in Cedar Rapids on Oct. 9, Cedar Falls on Oct. 10 and Des Moines on Oct. 11 (times and locations below).  Attendees will engage in personal reflection, insightful activities and meaningful conversation to aid with finding their “what’s next.”

Cedar Rapids
Thursday, Oct. 9th
5:30-7:30 p.m.
National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
1400 Inspiration Place, S.W., Cedar Rapids
RSVP here

Cedar Falls
Friday, Oct. 10th
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Hearst Center for the Arts
304 W. Seerley Blvd., Cedar Falls
RSVP here

Des Moines
Saturday, Oct. 11th
9-11 a.m.
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
909 Robert D. Ray Dr., Des Moines
RSVP here


About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.