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AARP Florida

AARP Florida is making a difference where you live.
Voters 50+ are the driving force behind every election. They’re not just voting; they’re grappling with the everyday challenges that come with caring for parents, siblings and other loved ones, and protecting their hard-earned Social Security. AARP Florida is here to ensure you have all the information needed to cast your ballot this election season.
Millions of Florida residents find electric utility issues hard to follow. Regulated by a far-away, low-profile state agency, largely the domain of expensive utilities lawyers, powerful corporations and influential special interest experts, electric utility regulations are often unfair and unfamiliar for customers.
Home prices and rentals have become increasingly unaffordable in Florida. This white paper explores the benefits of allowing alternative housing options, such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), for homeowners and communities.
ST. PETERSBURG , Fla. – AARP has named a retired Boca Raton aviation leader and volunteer activist to a role representing the interests of tens of thousands of AARP volunteers in America’s seven largest states.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The Florida Department of Elder Affairs will prioritize need for the state’s residents on its wait lists for home and community-based long-term care (HCBS) services, according to a law (House Bill 1335) signed by Gov. Rick Scott on Friday.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida lawmakers have sent Gov. Rick Scott a proposed new law to toughen oversight of professional guardians in the wake of two years of controversy over frail, vulnerable Floridians who have been bilked by untrustworthy professional guardians.
Back around the holidays, you may have seen the Christmas commercial put out by the German grocer EDEKA - it's gotten 46 million views to date, and it's a bigger tear-jerker than even the holiday commercials put out by my home-state Publix. If you haven't seen it, grab a tissue, and watch it (it's embedded below). Then I'll tell you why I think it's a dramatic illustration of three major issues we in America have to address together, and soon.
TALLAHASSEE -- Across Florida, almost 2.7 million Floridians perform a labor of love, caring for older parents, spouses and other loved ones so they can stay at home—where they want to be—and out of costly institutions. It’s often more than a full-time job, and for millions of these caregivers, the responsibilities are overwhelming.
Washington, DC— Today AARP praised Congress for passing, and President Obama for signing into law, the bipartisan Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) which addresses the disturbing trend of rising pedestrian fatality rates. The FAST Act will provide states and communities with the certainty they need to plan transportation projects that, in many cases, have been delayed or constrained. AARP is pleased that, for the first time, the bill specifically targets standards for the design of roads that safely and adequately accommodate all users of the transportation network, regardless of how they may travel. Until today, Congress had not passed long-term surface transportation legislation in a decade.
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