On Oct. 1, millions of Floridians will be able to shop for health-care coverage through a new online marketplace as key parts of the 2010 federal Affordable Care Act go into effect. AARP Florida is working to help Floridians 50+ understand how the law will affect them.
Daytona Beach, Fla. – AARP Foundation, AARP’s charitable affiliate, today announced a $25,000 grant to the Volusia County Council on Aging Meals on Wheels program. The AARP Foundation grant will help match a generous $100,000 challenge grant from a local donor to support Meals on Wheels, which provides needed food to homebound seniors.
St. Petersburg, FL – FCCI Insurance Group of Sarasota, Central Florida Health Alliance of Leesburg, Lee County Electric Cooperative of North Ft. Myers, and the School Board of Brevard County are all being honored by AARP and the Society for Human Resource Management as some of the 2013 Best Employers for Workers Over 50.
We’ve all heard the saying before: “Home is where the heart is.” But is your home the right fit for you now -- and in your future? What if your mobility changes, or if you have problems navigating stairs? What if it gets harder to reach those high shelves? What if you need to use a wheelchair for a while?