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Stay informed about Social Security, retirement planning, financial security, consumer protection, careers and more.
Gird you pocketbooks, Floridians. Prices for the brand name drugs you use most are sharply escalating and show no signs of stopping.
Los empresarios en el creciente campo de la prestación de cuidados pueden afinar sus ideas y modelos de negocio con un curso de 18 horas diseñado específicamente para ellos.
For the past two years, AARP Florida has sponsored the Jacksonville Jazz Festival with tremendous success. This year, we’re upping the ante.
With the holiday giving season approaching, a new survey from the AARP Fraud Watch Network found that 70 percent of consumers failed a quiz about how to stay safe from common holiday scams, and many are regularly engaging in risky behaviors which could leave them at risk of being victimized by con artists.
St. Petersburg, FL – FCCI Insurance Group of Sarasota, Central Florida Health Alliance of Leesburg, Lee County Electric Cooperative of North Ft. Myers, and the School Board of Brevard County are all being honored by AARP and the Society for Human Resource Management as some of the 2013 Best Employers for Workers Over 50.[/youtube]Washington calls it a “minor technical change” in Social Security. Here’s how minor Washington’s Chained CPI plan would actually be for Ken Reinhardt: $12,000 over the next 20 years.
Tallahassee, Fla. – AARP has filed a “friend of the court” brief in a state Supreme Court case challenging a decision by the state Public Service Commission (PSC) approving a contested settlement giving Florida Power & Light (FPL) a $354-million rate increase -- far greater than it even asked for in its petition.
Take the stress out of tax season this year, and follow these tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of your refund.
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