Beginning in February and continuing until the end of tax season, AARP Foundation is providing complimentary IRS certified tax preparation in Idaho through its Tax-Aide program. You do not need to be an AARP member to use this service.
(Boise) – Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden will speak on May 11 to thousands of AARP Idaho members to discuss fraud, identity theft and how to avoid becoming the next victim of a costly scam.
As part of the fight against fraud and identity theft, AARP Idaho’s 2016 Shred Fest certainly proved its worth. AARP members descended on City Hall West in Boise to shred personal financial documents and other sensitive records. Before the event began, over 30 cars lined up to be the first in line. Over the next three hours, more than 500 cars pulled through delivering 800 boxes to be shredded. In total, AARP’s 2016 Shred Fest in Boise destroyed 16,000 pounds of documents.
Each year during the month of April, AARP honors volunteers across the country with a special week: National Volunteer Week. In 2016, this celebratory week of April 10th-16th offers a wonderful opportunity to recognize and thank volunteers in Idaho. Across the Gem State, more than 300 AARP Idaho volunteers are working hard to make Idaho a better place to live.
As part of its ongoing efforts to help consumers avoid falling victim to identity theft, AARP Idaho is joining with the Boise Police Department to sponsor “ Shred Fest 2016” – an event to provide free shredding of personal financial documents and other sensitive records.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a new AARP survey released today, 8 in 10 say that taking a stand on Social Security is a basic threshold for Presidential leadership. The survey of likely voters age 50+ also shows nearly 40% are dissatisfied with their retirement savings and nearly half of voters worry they won’t be able to achieve their financial goals over the next five years (49%). 4 in 10 (40%) still don’t know for certain which party’s presidential candidate they’ll choose in the 2016 general election.
This paid internship involves outreach, event planning and communication initiatives directed toward AARP’s membership base, volunteers, and legislators, particularly in the multicultural community. This includes, but is not limited to, the coordination of events and volunteers, public/media relations, program design, and organizational communication.
The AARP Idaho Office, located in Boise, has an opening for a legislative intern! This is a paid position. AARP advocacy and grassroots interns are provided legislative education in both state and federal political spheres and gain first-hand knowledge of the Idaho state legislature. Our advocacy work for the 50+ population gives interns exposure to real-world applications.
We’re millions of members strong, the largest and “most powerful grassroots organization” around according to Fortune magazine. In fact, our commitment and collective strength enables us to serve and support a broad and diverse membership as well as embrace our own workplace diversity. If you’re ready, here’s your chance to take action throughout Idaho!
March for Meals is a month-long observance to spotlight senior hunger and food insecurity (one in seven seniors in America faces food insecurity on a regular basis) and how Meals on Wheels solves the problem by providing daily hot, nutritious meals to seniors.
AARP Foundation is once again providing free, IRS certified, tax assistance for all Idaho taxpayers through the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in its 49th year, is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service. You do not need to be a member of AARP or