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Finances 50+

Here’s what to know, whether you’re a resident who’s working or retired, or if you’re considering a move to Illinois.
A financial education campaign by AARP is continuing through the summer with outreach to Chicago’s African American community.
College students have plenty of financial concerns, but protecting Social Security isn’t usually on their radar. AARP Illinois hopes to change that with a new initiative aimed at engaging younger Illinoisans on Social Security’s long-term solvency.
AARP Illinois and Illinois State University are collaborating on a new initiative for the spring semester that will bring student leaders together to discuss how Social Security works and why it matters to Americans of all ages.
The state’s new retirement savings program—long championed by AARP Illinois—is expanding to more businesses this fall.
Find out more about this issue at AARP’s second in a series of free webinars.
Find out what you can already be doing to prepare at our free, two-part webinar.
AARP Illinois is hosting workshops/events in these cities to promote financial literacy and security during the upcoming Money Smart Week. We are providing information and resources so that AARP Illinois members and friends can better manage their personal finances, now and into retirement. Don’t see something in your area? Let us know where you live and the topic you are interested in at – more workshops are coming in the summer and fall.
AARP Illinois, in concert with Money Smart Week (March 30-April 6), will host forums throughout the state to promote financial literacy.
This Q&A Webinar Offers Tips Anyone Can Use
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