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AARP Missouri

Keeping Missourians informed, engaged and active
MAR 1, 2025
The Show-Me MyRetirement Savings Plan—slated to begin by September—is aimed at businesses with 50 or fewer employees. If a company signs up, its workers will be automatically enrolled into a 401(k) that is tied to payroll deduction, unless they opt out.
FEB 3, 2025
A new Moving It with AARP virtual program and exciting sweepstakes focused on caregivers
Helping older adults use technology to learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make friends!
No matter where you are in the caregiver journey, these local agencies and organizations can help make the process easier
Passing Medicaid Expansion
Timely interviews providing information on topics to help keep you in the know.
Live Event featuring Jay Ashcroft, Missouri Secretary of State
AARP is working to make communities across Missouri more livable for residents of all ages. It’s supporting revamped transit stops, the installation of exercise equipment in public parks to promote healthy living, and a home renovation designed to let older adults live independently for as long as possible.
How to vote absentee for the August 4th Primary
AARP Missouri shares information, resources and fun posts on our Facebook page. Want to connect with us on Facebook but aren’t sure how? We are here to help!
Barbara Corcoran explains how an elaborate email scheme almost cost her $400,000
The law, passed with the strong backing of AARP Missouri, assists those who look after family members, and also helps reduce hospital readmissions.
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About AARP Missouri
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.