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AARP Missouri

Keeping Missourians informed, engaged and active
MAR 1, 2025
The Show-Me MyRetirement Savings Plan—slated to begin by September—is aimed at businesses with 50 or fewer employees. If a company signs up, its workers will be automatically enrolled into a 401(k) that is tied to payroll deduction, unless they opt out.
FEB 3, 2025
A new Moving It with AARP virtual program and exciting sweepstakes focused on caregivers
Helping older adults use technology to learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make friends!
No matter where you are in the caregiver journey, these local agencies and organizations can help make the process easier
Join our online Q&A sessions for tools for keeping your 2018 healthy resolutions all year
Join two live webinars to find out how to identify and react to changes in your loved one’s behavior
Join our online event for free job searching tips, tools resources, interactive videos, recruiter chats and more.
AARP Missouri is hosting computer classes in the Kansas City* and St. Louis areas throughout 2018. The topics include online safety, Microsoft operating systems, how to use a smartphone or tablet, and social media.
AARP Missouri presented the City of Gladstone with a check for $20,000 at the October 23, 2017 Gladstone City Council Meeting.
Alyse J. Stoll of Raytown received AARP's most prestigious volunteer recognition, the Andrus Award for Community Service on Wednesday, October 17.
By John Reinhart
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.