AARP Eye Center

Turning 50 is definitely one of those “milestone” birthdays! It is often accompanied by black balloons, the aging jabs from friends and co-workers, and the quips about reaching half a century. And, since I started working for AARP New Hampshire two years ago, I inevitably get the phone calls, emails or texts from friends who have turned 50 about the invitation to join AARP that has arrived in their mailbox. This news is usually shared along with a heavy groan, maybe a few expletives or a “Why are they sending me this? I’m not old yet.”
But why this response? Why is aging viewed as negative and something to dread? Think of everything you know now that you didn’t know when you were younger. Think of the skills you’ve developed in your lifetime. Think of the lessons you’ve passed on to your children, grandchildren and great children. Think of the impact you have made with friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. Think of the full and fulfilling life you have built simply by getting older and acquiring knowledge! It is an amazing accomplishment to celebrate. And that’s what we do at AARP!
The truth is, we can spend nearly half of our lives over the age of 50. That’s a lot of living and a lot of learning along the way! So, it helps to have a wise friend and a fierce defender such as AARP in your corner and in your community so your money, health and happiness live as long as you do.
AARP is thriving is New Hampshire with more than 215,000 members. AARP continues to be a champion for older Americans, fighting for and equipping each individual to live their best life. Our mission is to empower people to choose how they live as they age. And this manifests itself in many ways based on input from our 38 million members across the county. Here are some of the ways AARP is in your corner:
Top Ten Things You May Not Know About AARP (in no particular order):
Support in Your Caregiving Journey Get the family caregiving support you need, when you need it! Your caregiving journey can be challenging in all kinds of ways. AARP Family Caregiving is here to help you get answers, connect with other family caregivers and find resources close to home. So you can take care of what matters most. Visit
Looking for a New Volunteer Gig? Getting involved in your community is easier than you think. If you can share a status, you can lend a hand. If you can log on, you can give back. Because when you volunteer virtually with AARP, you can help your community without leaving home. AARP NH has a variety of volunteer opportunities to get you started. We’re looking for community engagement volunteers, speakers bureau members, Driver Safety and Tax-Aide volunteers, and advocates! We’ll provide the support you need to make it easy and fun. And later this year, we hope to return to in-person volunteer activities. Get involved at
Thrive in the Work Place There’s a moment you realize you’re ready for what’s next in your career. Maybe it’s when you’re trying a new scone recipe and think… “I could open a cafe.” Or maybe you’re helping a coworker and say… “I could teach a course on this.” Whatever your moment is, it’s never too early to plan for a career that lives longer. For skills training, resume tips, and jobs listings, visit
Veterans Served Us, We’re Here to Serve You When you’re a military veteran, more than 40,000 organizations are available to serve you and your family. But it can be hard to know which ones are right for your needs. AARP offers free, valuable resources to help you navigate your options. Check out our veteran employment and fraud prevention resources, caregiving tools, and access to discounts. AARP is on a mission to support veterans. Visit
Savvy Ways to Save Is retirement on your horizon? Maybe you have questions about living on a budget or managing your debt. And there’s always more to learn about savings, investing, taxes and insurance. Get on the right track for you with a variety of AARP money-related resources including the AARP Money Map that creates a free action plan to help you to manage debt, set a budget, and create financial goals. Visit
If You Can Spot a Scam, You Can Stop a Scam New frauds and scams seem to crop up weekly. Identity theft, investment fraud and other scams rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money. At the AARP Fraud Watch Network, you’ll learn how to proactively spot scams, get guidance from fraud specialists, and feel more secure knowing that we advocate to protect consumers and enforce the law. Get connected AARP Fraud Watch Network resources including “Watchdog Alerts,” Scam Maps, common scams resource center, and real-world tools to protect you and your loved ones. Visit the Fraud Watch Network at or call toll-free at 877.908.3360 (Mon-Fri, 7 am to 11 pm).
Stay connected, Learn and Have Fun! Want to connect, learn something new or just have fun? AARP offers dozens of free, virtual events in NH and across the country. Topics including cooking demos, music concerts, yoga, paint and sip, lectures, tours, exercise classes and so much more! Signing up for an AARP NH virtual program is super easy! Visit for registration links or in the events tab of our Facebook page at @AARPNH. You can also find a complete calendar of national at our Virtual Community Center at:
Just the Facts About COVID-19 AARP is working to protect Americans 50+ by making sure you have the latest information you need about COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, and distribution plans in the Granite State. Find out basic vaccine info, who’s eligible, and when and where vaccines will be available. Visit
Something to Talk About: The AARP NH Speakers Bureau-Is your organization looking for a virtual speaker? The AARP NH Speakers Bureau offers free, presentations to your organization’s audience of 10 more. Topics include: fraud and scams, caregiving, brain health, downsizing, saving for retirement, and more. Talks run 30 to 60 minutes and will be delivered via Zoom. We’re also looking for volunteers! To book a presentation or volunteer as a speaker, visit: or email
What You Need to Know to Vote in 2022-New Hampshire’s September 13th primary will determine which candidates appear on November’s general election ballot for governor, U.S. House and Senate, and state legislature. How you vote, where you vote and what you are voting on are top priorities for AARP NH. We’re holding politicians accountable on issues such as Medicare, Social Security, prescription drugs, long-term care and the economy. Stay up to date on the details and the issues at
We’re in your corner to empower you to choose how you live as you age. And this list is only the beginning.So whether you’ve just received your AARP membership invite in the mail, got it 20 years ago or won’t be getting it for another 20 years, we invite you to use all of the free resources AARP puts at your fingertips for you and your loved ones. With so much life to live ahead of you, the younger you are, the more you need AARP. We are proud to serve as a one-stop resource for the age 50+ population and their loved ones in the Granite State.
To learn more, visit or follow @AARPNH on social media.