With everyone spending lots of time at home, many people may feel lonely or struggle to keep in touch with family and friends—but you don't have to go at it alone.
As part of its robust response to the coronavirus pandemic, AARP announced today a $250,000 donation to Meals on Wheels America to support urgently needed outreach to isolated seniors. The gift is significant because it will allow Meals on Wheels America to boost the organizational capacity of the network to provide in-home meals to the most at-risk older population during this time of crisis. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said that older Americans are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, older adults and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of serious illness from the coronavirus.
Caring for a parent, spouse, or other loved one can be a 24/7 job that is emotionally, physically and financially difficult. That’s why AARP works tirelessly to support family caregivers, striving to make your big responsibilities a little bit easier.
The prices of widely used specialty prescription drugs grew more than three times faster than general inflation in 2017, according to a new AARP Public Policy Institute report. The new report found that the average annual price for a single specialty drug used on a chronic basis is now nearly $79,000, compared to $27,824 in 2006.
Mindfulness is a quality we all have, easily available to us if we take the time to appreciate it. By practicing mindfulness, you become more aware of where you are and what you’re doing, without becoming overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.