AARP Eye Center
March 26 – Lexington, Scam Jam, Lexington Senior Center, 555-B West Center Street Ext., Lexington, 1:00 – 4:00. Free. NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall is the keynote speaker. Also speaking are representatives of the NC Attorney General’s Office, the NC Department of Insurance Senior Medicare Patrol, Secretary of State’s Securities Division, Better Business Bureau, and AARP. Advance registration is required; to register please call 336/242-2290. Deadline to register is March 22.
April 2 – Goldsboro, Scam Jam, Wayne Center, 208 W. Chestnut Street, Goldsboro, 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Free. Speakers include representatives of AARP, the NC Attorney General’s Office, NC Secretary of State’s Office, and NC Senior Medicare Patrol Program. For more information, contact Ms. Delbra McIntyre, 252/734-1178, ext. 214.
May 21 – Hamlet, Scam Jam, Richmond Community College, 1042 West Hamlet Avenue, Hamlet, 10:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m. Free. Speakers include representatives of AARP, the NC Attorney General’s Office, NC Secretary of State’s Office, and NC Senior Medicare Patrol Program. Register by calling Lumber River Area Agency on Aging, 910/618-55343, or toll-free at 1-866-582-4281.
Photo by Don Hankins courtesy of Flickr