Longtime Assistant Attorney General and Director of the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection and Antitrust Division, earns award for his fraud fighting collaboration with AARP.
The recent cold temperatures may have left some low-income North Dakotans with home heating costs that are higher than their budget can handle. The North Dakota Department of Human Services reminds low-income individuals and families and seniors on limited fixed incomes that help is available through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Duane Bergeson of Bismarck will be presented with the 2016 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service during a volunteer recognition banquet Oct. 5 in Bismarck.
Even though many of us have the new chip-embedded credit cards in our wallets, don’t let your guard down over credit card fraud. Instead of duplicating a credit card, scammers use stolen Social Security numbers and other sensitive data to open a fraudulent credit card account in your name.
Larry is a North Dakota caregiver who takes care of his wife with multiple sclerosis, every day, 24 hours a day. He does the cooking, bathing, and other necessary tasks that allow Larry and his wife to stay at home rather than move away from their homestead. It’s a tough job, but for Larry and the other 62,100 North Dakota caregivers, it’s a labor of love. That is why AARP is fighting for caregivers like Larry.
More than 15 AARP volunteers attended the May meeting of the legislature’s Interim Human Services Committee to show their support for North Dakota family caregivers.