Our State, Our Future: Help shape the future of Oregon. Learn about our legislative priorities, get local race information, and join our fight to protect Social Security.
Newly elected Oregon Attorney General Dan Rayfield talked with the Bulletin about ways to prevent fraud — and what drives him to protect older Oregonians.
My Fitness Center reopened over the summer and yet I haven’t returned. That’s strange, considering I’ve been an OCD work-out freak most of my adult life – even in my disabled and wheelchair recent years. Why the hesitation, I ask myself.
It has been said that Lyndon Baines Johnson – LBJ - the thirty-sixth POTUS, gave monogrammed electric toothbrushes to White House staffers so they would be reminded of him the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night
WASHINGTON— A new AARP survey, released in conjunction with Social Security’s 85th anniversary, confirms that Americans highly value Social Security, and even more so due to the pandemic. The vast majority of Americans – 93% of Republicans, 99% of Democrats, and 92% of Independents – see Social Security as an important government program, and 56% believe it is even more important for retirees in light of the coronavirus pandemic. In a letter sent yesterday to President Trump, AARP asked him to explain his plan to replace Social Security funding.
Caregiving crises can erupt with a phone call. For me it happened on a glorious sunny morning in the summer of 2008 with a ring from my sister. Within hours of hearing that Mom’s caregiver needed to be fired, panic and fear enveloped me because we realized Mom would soon have to leave home.
According to NPR, "The coronavirus pandemic triggered the sharpest economic contraction in modern American history, the Commerce Department reported Thursday, July 30, 2020.