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AARP Oregon

Keeping Oregonians informed, engaged and active
Our State, Our Future: Help shape the future of Oregon. Learn about our legislative priorities, get local race information, and join our fight to protect Social Security.
A regular round-up of updates and information from the State Director, staff, and volunteer leadership.
A new bill could make it harder for employers to discriminate against older Oregonians.
JAN 8, 2025
The annual program aims to make communities in Oregon more livable for people of all ages.
Our Special Online Sessions Can Help You Balance Them
It was a strenuous effort to get out of bed, but the rise was self-executed; however, the shine requires help – a caregiver.
Usually when we look for a volunteer opportunity, we are motivated to help others in need. When I volunteered to be a long-term care ombudsman, it turned into a life changing experience. I have changed the lives of dozens of people, all for the better, improved my ability and confidence to stand up for others and, because of my expanded knowledge and experience, made life better for family and friends when they needed long-term care. The long-term care ombudsman program has been a jackpot bingo for me.
Lying in bed, in that hazy state of semi-waking and sleeping, I turn my head toward the digital clock on the nightstand, and inwardly struggle to decide what to do. It’s 6:10 in the morning. I force a decision: with aching body and an ugh! I kick the blanket off my legs, painfully slide to the edge of the bed, and with my only useful arm, and grasp the side rail.
Join our series of online Q&A sessions to learn how to avoid them.
Under a new state law, Oregonians will no longer receive unexpected medical bills for out-of-network services.
Our online Q&A sessions can help you keep your loved one secure.
Join our online Q&A sessions to learn how to age-proof your career.
Things have changed since I entered the ALF world, experienced its uniqueness and ambiguities, and began writing my blog, detailing the behind-the-scenes glimpses of ALF living.
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About AARP Oregon
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.