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I just spent two hours or so searching the lists of documents for the blogs I’ve written for AARP – they go back to 2013. I wanted to find one in particular that I remember writing in September (or was it August?) I can’t remember.
On October 6 and 7th, AARP Oregon, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Portland for Everyone and Urban Land Institute hosted Housing and Neighborhood for All: Affordability, Accessibility and the "Missing Middle," a three-part event series focused on exploring how the Portland metro region can create more housing options, identifying barriers and challenges to more innovative housing that support residents across age, ability and income spectrums and how "missing middle housing" can be instrumental in building successful multi-generational communities.
Here is a simple fact. When you board horses, dogs and other animals, you never get bored! At 77, Joanne Mead is the picture of good health and vitality. She owns a 7 acre horse boarding ranch and dog kennel for the last 45 years and takes care of other animals too. And that, she acknowledges, helps keep her going physically with a little help from friends, family and volunteers. And in her spare time? (Yes she does have some.) She plays music from heavy metal to country.
AARP encourages Medicare's 712,000 Oregon beneficiaries to read their annual Notice of Change and to review their plan options for 2017 during Medicare Open Enrollment (October 15th -- December 7th). Given the trend in high prescription medication prices, consumers are advised to pay close attention to their Medicare Part D drug plan options to help save money.
Next month, Oregonians will be asked to cast their votes for new elected leaders, as well as to weigh in on important issues facing our state and our communities. One of these important issues will be presented on your ballot as Measure 97. Some of you may already be familiar with this ballot measure because it has generated considerable controversy throughout the state, and has been widely reported on by the media and in advertising spots by various interest groups, since it was included on the ballot.
By Dick Weinman, AARP Volunteer and Assisted Living Guru
Join AARP Oregon, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Portland for Everyone and Urban Land Institute for an engaging morning of dialog about housing, land use and creating communities for all ages. Learn about “Missing Middle Housing” from the man who coined the term — nationally known architect
(Photo: Debbie Cahill and Lois Jackson)
More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, including 62,000 Oregonians. The debilitating disease takes a serious toll on patients, family caregivers and the health care system.
By Dick Weinman, AARP Volunteer and Assisted Living Guru
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