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Scams & Fraud

Looking to keep your identify safe? AARP Idaho is offering a free opportunity to shred personal documents — and possibly keep scammers at bay.
As fraud and identity theft continues to ensnare older Oregonians, local, state and federal law enforcement officials — as well as nonprofit organizations such as AARP — are engaged in a wide-ranging effort to prevent it. AARP’s efforts will include two free events to highlight the latest fraud battles.
AARP ND wants to help you live your best life with a chance to win $100, $250 or $500 in our sweepstakes.
Criminals love to impersonate big businesses and the bigger the better. One of the largest targets of impostor scams last year was Amazon. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 44,000 reports about scammers using Amazon's name were filed last year, with $19 million reported lost. Here are two of the latest versions of an Amazon impostor scam to be on the lookout for:
Scammers and fraudsters are getting more and more creative. But creativity has a hard time standing up to the power of industrial strength paper shredders. Shred the scammers one document at a time at AARP Indiana’s summer Shred Day at New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 1545 Waite Street, Gary on July 13th!
AARP Florida recently named Rima Nathan, Director of Florida State University’s Claude Pepper Elder Law Clinic, a Florida Fraud Fighter of distinction at their Opening Minds Through Art event, held June 21.
We’ve all been there; you reach for your wallet and find nothing in your pocket or purse.
It seems like natural disaster season is never ending these days. Now is a good time to remind ourselves that after Mother Nature moves out the criminal scammers tend to move in.
If you’re like many Americans, the arrival of a package at your doorstep is a common occurrence. In the age of digital shopping, it has become harder than ever to keep track of what is coming when and from whom. This new reality has led directly to the rise of the digital package delivery scam.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new shiny object that has captured the world’s attention. It’s also captured the attention of criminal scammers who are using it to make their fraudulent schemes more realistic than ever. One area where AI scams are particularly dangerous is celebrity impostor scams.
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