AARP Utah is pleased to announce the appointment of Pat Thompson as Utah's new State President and leader of our Executive Council. This position is the top volunteer role in Utah. Pat will guide a team of leadership volunteers to shape and execute AARP's statewide priorities.
South Salt Lake has a new way for residents to boost their physical and mental health without joining a gym: the AARP-sponsored outdoor fitness park, organized by FitLot in Bickley Park, next to the Columbus Senior Center.
According to a new AARP survey of voters ages 50 and older, more than four in 10 (45%) who live in rural areas say access to high-speed internet is a problem in their local community, compared to just 37% of nonrural voters. Rural home internet users are more likely than nonrural users to rely on satellite or fixed wireless, or to say that cellular service is their only method of accessing the internet. Roughly four in 10 (39%) home internet users say they have problems with their home internet at least once a month.
When the State Legislature convenes on Jan. 18, AARP Utah will be back to advocate for residents 50-plus, working to lower prescription drug costs, strengthen support for family caregivers and ensure that Utahns have access to retirement savings plans.
It is no surprise that the ‘City on the Move’ is now home to Utah’s first FitLot. The new outdoor exercise station adds to the recently opened Bickley Park at 2508 S. 500 East in South Salt Lake. The outdoor fitness station was generously donated by AARP and designed by FitLot. Fostering an active community, the grant from AARP includes three years of programming which will ensure free fitness instruction classes at the FitLot.
AARP Utah announced 4 local organizations will receive 2021 Community Challenge grants – part of the largest group of grantees to date with $3.2 million awarded among 244 organizations nationwide. Grantees will implement quick-action projects to promote livable communities by improving housing, transportation, public spaces, civic engagement, and connection with family, friends, and neighbors with an emphasis on the needs of the 50-plus. Many of this year’s awards support revitalizing communities adversely impacted by the pandemic and include a focus on diversity, inclusion, and disparities.