December 13, 2017 — AARP arranged a dinner for members and guests at the FireFlies restaurant in Del Ray, a quaint historic neighborhood in greater Alexandria. The dinner was a chance for AARP members to catch-up with each other on the busy season and introduce guests to AARP Northern Virginia volunteering opportunities. Bernice Countenay coordinated this event for 28 people, and was assisted by Nancy Crespo, Effie Upshaw, Gaile Harrell, and Reed Eldridge. This was the 5 th dinner evening offered in 2017 by AARP at FireFlies and is a companion to the dinner evenings also being held at Mylo’s restaurant in McLean, Virginia. These community events give the public a chance learn how AARP is making a difference in northern Virginia.
ELECTION DAY is exactly one week away! This year we will vote for our next Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and our members for the House of Delegates.
NEWPORT NEWS, VA – AARP on Monday presented U.S. Representative Bobby Scott with the 2017 ‘AARP Champion for the 50-Plus’ Legislative Leadership Award for his significant achievements during the 114 th Congress.
Always seeking ways to “Serve Not to be Served,” members of Brian Jacks’ AARP VA Roanoke and Lynchburg leadership teams met at Gross and Sons Apple Orchard in Bedford County to glean fallen apples for those in need. This was our first time participating in such an endeavor to support AARP VA’s September focus on hu
AARP Virginia held this live interactive event featuring United States Senator Mark Warner. The main topic of discussion related to healthcare including the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and lowering prescription drug costs. Senator Warner thanked AARP for being supportive of his new bill the Care Planning Act, which is designed to give those with serious illness the option to make choices about their care. He spoke about how we should fix insurance for small business owners by bringing in more competition, reducing the amount of reporting requirements, and finding new ways for small business owners to have more flexibility.
On Friday, September 15, 2017 representatives of Brian Jacks’ leadership teams from Roanoke, Lynchburg, Danville, and Blacksburg met at the Bedford, Virginia welcome center to share experiences with the Virtual News Team, We Want to Know, and the Speakers’ Bureau. We discussed what has been done so far, what the expectations of team members are, and what we perceived the next steps to be.