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Henry Kenney

Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Kathy Siggins of Mt. Airy has been leading an effort to find a cure for Alzheimer's through the sale of stamps she helped to create. This specialty stamp is being sold with a portion of its proceeds going to Alzheimer's research at NIH. Kathy's mission to end Alzheimer's has come a long way, but it's far from over. And you can help.
AARP chapter president, Larry Walton of Ocean Pines in Worcester, MD was recently inducted into the Maryland Senior Citizen's Hall of Fame 2018 and was one of five recipients to receive the accompanying GERI award.
Welcome to AARP Maryland's Tech Tip Tuesday! A monthly tech tip blog created by Communications Intern Henry Kenney III.
Welcome to the AARP Maryland Livable Communities page!
The election is finally over! We have Governor Hogan back for four more years, as well as many new faces in the Maryland legislature…and, it is a great time to be a Maryland veteran.
The following is a guest blog from AARP Maryland's former state president and Vietnam veteran, Clarence "Tiger" Davis.
Hey, you may have noticed from all the TV, radio, and social media activity, it is ELECTION TIME! That time when we hire the people that we want to represent us and our interests in a variety of political bodies. Soon, not soon enough, the season of promises will be over. Voting is a right and responsibility of citizens, but fully exercising our citizenship is an ongoing, 24/7/365 responsibility.
Voting in the mid-term elections is easy for some people – just a quick walk around the corner or a short drive to the polling station. But for others, it may seem impossible.
It is hard to believe that it has been 17 years since 9/11/01. A career Sailor, I was “thirty-something” on the day America was attacked, and now I'm a “fifty-something” military retiree supporting AARP Maryland on veterans issues. Reflecting on this really brought home to me how many of our veteran seniors have served and fought in the post-9/11 military!
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