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Joyce De Monnin

Jennifer Baier is the Associate State Director for Digital Strategy in Illinois. We Facebook, We Tweet, We Pin, We Instagram. Connect with us!
Hi, all. This is Lenise. I am a new volunteer with AARP Illinois and I'm going to try my hand at blogging. Here is my first post. Tell me what you think.
A couple of days ago the Chicago Tribune ran an editorial that was supposed to make us all feel sorry for ComEd and their oh-so-difficult-struggles to implement a so-called smart grid. It went on to explain how each time ComEd has tried to raise their rates unchecked, or how when ComEd refused to refund consumers' money that was rightfully theirs, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) got in the way. WOW what was the ICC thinking...*sarcasm* As many of you know AARP Illinois (and thousands of our members), the Attorney General, and Governor Quinn, have been battling ComEd for quite some time. This is not about SmartGrid. It's about Rate Hikes. Below is our State Director's response to the Chicago Tribune story. It hasn't been printed, yet...we'll be the first to let you know if it is. In the meantime head on over to our Facebook Page and check out what our fans think ComEd could have done with the 16.2 million dollars they spent lobbying in 2011.
On October 25, 2012, over 200 people atten ded an Opinion Leader Forum on Social Security and Medicare co-hosted by AARP Illinois, WLS 890 AM Radio, and the Union League Club of Chicago. The event was broadcast live throughout the Chicagoland area from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. on WLS 890, and we made history as it was the first ever live radio broadcast in the 134-year history of the Union League Club.
Last month, AARP's financial security education and outreach team had the privilege of literally changing someone's life. All it took was a simple 45-question trivia contest and a jumbo-sized $50,000 check.
We here at AARP Illinois are incredibly grateful to have Merri Dee as our State President! As an active member of the volunteer community, she is very experienced in bringing people together to Create the Good. Today we present an important message from Ms. Dee herself...
AARP Illinois
In October, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) rejected ComEd's attempt to get excessive charges from struggling Illinois consumers and businesses from its new formula rates which were approved by the Illinois General Assembly in 2011.
'Tis the, not for winter holidays - it's only November! 'Tis the season for recruiting Tax-Aide Volunteers!
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