AARP has launched a new, redesigned membership card that creates a more convenient way for members to track their engagements with AARP and to access their benefits in certain retail locations.
St. Louisan Robert “Bob” Juergens has been selected as the new volunteer Missouri State Coordinator for the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. Juergens replaces outgoing State Coordinator Lynn Boulware, from Lebanon, who completed seven years at the helm.
Trinity United Methodist Church in Piedmont was the site of the “Brain Power: Use It or Lose It!” seminar that focused on memory loss, research, early detection, and how to get a proper Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Participants were involved in activities that stimulated the brain through exercise, health eating, and music.
AARP in St. Louis wants you to be healthy and that's why we are a proud sponsor of Small Changes for Health *, a web-based health behavior modification program that encourages everyone to increase their level of health though proper nutrition and exercise provided by the City of St. Louis Department of Health.
Ameren Missouri is profiting to the tune of $350 million annually during Missouri's worst economy since the Great Depression. And now they are at it again, pushing legislation that could allow billions in automatic rate increases (surcharges) for electric utilities with no meaningful review by the Public Service Commission. It will effect ratepayers all over the state.
The AARP Missouri Andrus Award for Community Service 2012 honoree is Bob Sanders of Piedmont. Recipients of the prestigious award are honored for sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax preparation and assistance service, is seeking volunteers across the state to help Missouri taxpayers who are seeking assistance preparing and filing their 2012 tax returns.