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Learn how government policy and elections affect older Americans, and how AARP is fighting for them in Congress and across the country.

Joyce DeMonnin

‘Tis the season to be jolly – especially if $$ signs have replaced your natural pupils.
Despite my battered body, non-functioning hands that make taking meds a challenge, and wheelchair mobility, I fulfill my long-time desire to act. . . as long as it’s the Readers Theatre – where the short-term memory loss of an 85 year old and the inability to move around in a set, doesn’t hamper the smooth performance of a play.
Paid Family and Medical leave will be a high priority for AARP Oregon during the 2019 Legislature.
Social Security honors veterans and active duty members of the military every day by giving them the respect they deserve. Social Security’s disability program is an important part of our obligation to wounded warriors and their families.
In homes and communities across the United States, millions of Americans quietly care for older parents, spouses and other loved ones, helping them to stay at home as they age.
You sniff a steaming bowl of tomato soup. Its nose filling heat rises in your nostrils. “Mm! Mm! Good!” you think to yourself. Of course you do. It’s been sneaking into the subterranean of peoples’ minds since the nineteen thirties when Campbell’s soup company broadcast its first radio commercial.
AARP Oregon is hosting a free lunchtime workshop, Ready, Set, Retire! at 11:30 November 14 at the Chemeketa Eola/Northwest Wine Studies Center, 215 Doaks Ferry Road NW Salem, OR 97304.
Portland City Council with Age Friendly Business Award winners and members of the Age Friendly Economic Development and Work Subcommittee.
I spend most of my time at my ALF (Assisted Living Facility). But when my battery-powered wheelchair is charged, I can be found bouncing along the tree-root rutted, bumpy sidewalks, and at a traffic intersection, frenziedly trying to make the walk sign before it runs down to zero seconds. Or I might be lucky enough to have a friend load my wheel chair and me into a car or van for a trip to a coffee shop, a movie, or some other latitudinal or longitudinal location away from the lugubrious ALF.
Andy Rooney said it well: “The idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.” And yet, we now live longer, healthier and more productive lives. We have an incredible “longevity bonus”. And AARP Oregon is here to help you realize your Real Possibilities to make the most out of life as you age.
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