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Patrick Cobb

Information on upcoming Fraud Watch Network Events in SC
Join AARP SC for a Day at the State Fair on Wednesday, October 21, 2015. The AARP Pavilion will be located in Rosewoods. You'll find information from the AARP Fraud Watch Network, resources for caregivers, and the exciting Life Reimagined photo booth will capture your creativity. Several state agencies that provide resources to older adults will join us as well.
It's tim e to safely dispose of your personal documents in a secure environment. Each event is free and open to the public. AARP's Fraud Watch Network is your source for information on how to protect your identity, read about potential scams, and forum to ask your questions.
South Carolinian's can’t afford another SCE&G rate hike. Forcing current consumers to pay for future power plants is simply unjustified. Since January 2009, SCE&G residential rates have increased more than 27%. This includes general rate hikes, revised rate schedules, and changes in rates due to fuel costs.
AARP South Carolina, Veteran’s Welcome Home and Resource Center, Combat Veterans Association, Military Officers Association of America, and Horry Georgetown Technical College and more than 40 businesses, federal, state, and local resource organizations and service providers today announced plans for the second Stand Down at the Beach. The event geared to helping homeless Veterans and Veterans will be held on Friday, September 18, 2015 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the U.S. Army Reserve, 3392 Phillis Boulevard.
The Hilton Head Economic Development Corporation will partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration and AARP South Carolina on Tuesday, June 16, to host an “Encore Entrepreneur + Mentor Matchmaker” event. The free event will connect aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners with a variety of business experts through a series of roundtable mentoring sessions. Topic categories will include starting, running, marketing and financing a business. The event will also include a panel discussion with several Hilton Head Island entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a key focus area of the HHIEDC’s program of work.
Senior citizens in South Carolina will soon benefit from a program that will help them better manage their utility bills by making their homes more energy efficient, thanks to a $1 million donation from Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC). In the DEC 2013 rate case settlement agreement, the utility agreed to make a shareholder contribution of $1 million to support senior-citizen outreach.
You are enjoying a nice family dinner at home, your phone rings with an unwanted solicitation or someone comes to your door to “sell” you something. This scenario happens more and more and sometimes the person on the other end is trying to scam you, obtain your personal information, or take advantage of you.
Spring cleaning and time to safely dispose of your personal documents in a secure environment. Each event is free and open to the public.
Adults who reside in nursing facilities are usually in very poor health; they are often unable to care for themselves and to protect themselves from harm. Family members or caretakers sometimes suspect mistreatment when they begin noticing unexplainable bruises or missing personal items.
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