There are nearly 600,000 family caregivers in Minnesota who are taking care of an adult relative, spouse or friend. There are even more who are caring for children or grandchildren and most of these unsung heroes are doing so while working, raising families and trying to save for their kids college or their own retirement. And most are doing so without basic workplace protections. In fact, only 13 percent of Minnesota workers have paid family and medical leave through their employers. AARP Minnesota believes it’s time for a common-sense solution that allows Minnesotans to work and care for their families.
Don’t miss your opportunity to be entertained and inspired in the Twin Cities when AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins visits this October. There are three unique events where you can see her during her visit to
Right now, the Minnesota Public Utility Commission (PUC) is considering a request from Xcel Energy that could raise customer rates by nearly 10% or about $132 a year. If approved, Xcel will have raised rates on their Minnesota customers 6 years in a row. When utility bills go up it hits everyone's pocket book, especially those on fixed incomes or struggling to make ends meet.
One of things that makes the Twin Cities unique is a world class performing arts scene. This Spring AARP in the Twin Cities is excited to announce special ticket prices for AARP members and their guests at two of these venues.