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Shelley Buckingham

COMFORTABLY UNCOMFORTABLE by Dick Weinman, The Thin Edge of Dignity
WHAT’S A HIPAA by Dick Weinman, The Thin Edge of Dignity
THE STRIDER AND THE SITTER - by Dick Weinman, The Thin Edge of Dignity
Consumers reported losing $1.7 billion to scams and frauds in 2014, according to an annual review released by the Federal Trade Commission. That figure is likely a fraction of actual losses, since many people never report their victimization.
Every day 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare benefits. Many newly eligible older adults will make enrollment mistakes and experience gaps in coverage; or even pay a lifetime of penalties. Medicare has very specific requirements, including deadlines that must be adhered to in order to receive the benefits that are expected. Oregon SHIBA counselors receive calls daily from Medicare consumers who are faced with costly penalties or disruptions in service due to lack of understanding the enrollment process. The common response heard from confused consumers is, “No one told me that!” Even worse is when someone has been given the wrong information! Doctor’s offices and insurance agents often do not have a clear understanding of the system and may unintentionally misinform clients. Unfortunately being uninformed earns you no saving grace in being responsible for penalties. The following is an example of an actual call to a SHIBA counselor.
Our Story Continues, part 2, by Dick Weinman, The Thin Edge of Dignity
Social Security Question & Answer:
Effective March 16, 2015, Social Security field offices across the nation will expand their hours. Offices will be open to you and your clients for an additional hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, providing face-to-face service to customers until 4:00 p.m. Offices will continue to close at noon every Wednesday so employees have time to complete current work, reduce backlogs, and continue training new employees.
Washington, DC – Today, Elaine Friesen-Strang of Portland participated in the graduation ceremony for the AARP’s Volunteer Leadership Institute or VLI. She was joined by 32 other exceptional volunteers from all across the country. Richard Harwood, founder and president of the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, was a guest speaker.
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