In English | Los incendios forestales de las pasadas semanas Los Ángeles y sus alrededores han arrasado vecindarios y destruido miles de estructuras, obligando a decenas de miles de personas a evacuar sus hogares.
Natural disasters can leave communities vulnerable- not just to damage, but also to scams. This guide will walk you through common disaster scams and prevention tips.
Our grandparents are often among the most important people in our lives. And unfortunately, there is a scam that has been targeting them specifically. See this video to learn how the "Grandparent Scam" works and share it with others so, they too can help them to be aware and protected.
AARP California is forming a Veterans Advisory Council to help us build a strategy for serving and working with veterans and organizations across the state. The Council will also review any veteran-related bills in the legislature and make recommendations to the state director on appropriate action. The ideal member will have experience in one or more of the following areas: general veterans’ issues, veterans with disabilities, self-employed veterans, veterans who are caregivers, young/student veterans, etc. This is a VOLUNTEER role. Please see the full description below. To apply or request additional information, please email us at
AARP California is proud to present Lisa Oakley with the 2018 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service. This is the association's most prestigious volunteer award that recognizes outstanding individuals who are sharing their experience, talents and skills to enrich the lives of others.
Voting in the mid-term elections is easy for some people – just a quick walk around the corner or a short drive to the polling station. But for others, it may seem impossible.
Tech support scams have lurked online for years. They often come in the guise of a pop-up message on your computer screen, claiming you have viruses, and malware or spyware on your computer. The pop-ups come with a phone number to call for assistance. The operator convinces you to buy hundreds of dollars of tech support services you don't need.