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Finances 50+

English ¿El 2019 es el año para un cambio de carrera? Tal vez se aproxima tu jubilación y estás listo para hacer algo nuevo. Quizás estás reingresando a la fuerza laboral, te quedaste sin empleo o simplemente quieres un nuevo comienzo.
From assessing your 401(k) retirement plan to getting a head start on saving for your summer vacation, the beginning of the year can be a particularly good time to think about the state of your finances. Whatever your financial situation, it is helpful to take stock of where you’re headed in the New Year.
Ya llegaron los días festivos. Y con ellos, el tiempo de comprar regalos especiales para nuestra familia y amigos. Pero también es el momento de estar alerta para evitar convertirte en víctima de una estafa. Desafortunadamente, los estafadores merodean en nuestras comunidades y en el Internet en búsqueda de víctimas, pero si te mantienes alerta, puedes proteger tu información personal y tu bolsillo.
Our grandparents are often among the most important people in our lives. And unfortunately, there is a scam that has been targeting them specifically. See this video to learn how the "Grandparent Scam" works and share it with others so, they too can help them to be aware and protected.
Tech support scams have lurked online for years. They often come in the guise of a pop-up message on your computer screen, claiming you have viruses, and malware or spyware on your computer. The pop-ups come with a phone number to call for assistance. The operator convinces you to buy hundreds of dollars of tech support services you don't need.
This Q&A Webinar Offers Tips Anyone Can Use
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