At AARP, we constantly track the latest fraud scams to stay one step ahead of scammers. Every year, one in five adults over the age of 50 are victims of financial exploitation, with each losing an average of $120,000. Financial institutions lose more than a billion dollars a year in deposits due to the exploitation of Americans over 50.
Across the country, someone’s identity is stolen every two seconds. Fraud is an escalating crisis, with losses far exceeding what is reported. While $9 billion in fraud losses were reported in 2022, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates the true financial impact at $137 billion due to underreporting. The impact on victims and their families can be financially and emotionally devastating, especially for older Americans.
Jack Lunsford is still amazed when he considers how vast AARP’s mission is as an organization. AARP enhances the quality of life for older people, promotes their independence, determines the role and place of older persons in society and improves the image of aging.
Want to Live a Lifetime Safely in Your Home? Hear from the Experts
More than 25 percent of adults age 65 and older fall every year and many of those accidents occur at home. So, AARP wants to help you make your home safer for your loved ones.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved colleague and friend, Tawanna Wright, Associate State Director of Community Outreach in Birmingham, AL.
Fraud cost veterans, service members, and their families $477 million in 2023, according to the latest Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data, and this only includes fraud that was reported. With over 85% of veterans having encountered service-related scams in the last 12 months, now is a great time to review some of the most prevalent scams targeting current and former service members.