The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
AARP Mississippi invites local eligible non-profit organizations and governments across the state to apply for the 2025 AARP Community Challenge grant program, now through March 5, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. AARP Community Challenge grants fund quick-action projects that help communities become more livable by improving public places, transportation, housing, digital connections, and more. Now in its ninth year, the program is part of AARP’s nationwide Livable Communities initiative, which supports the efforts of cities, towns, neighborhoods and rural areas to become great places to live for all residents, especially those age 50 and older.
English AARP apoya fuertemente el programa de Permiso Familiar Pagado porque los cuidadores familiares que trabajan no deberían tener que elegir entre cuidar a un ser querido y ganarse la vida.
ALBANY, N.Y. - La directora estatal de AARP New York, Beth Finkel, emitió la siguiente declaración hoy sobre la firma de la gobernadora Hochul del proyecto de ley S.8760/A.9369 que ayudará a inscribir a los adultos mayores que reúnan los requisitos y que reciben beneficios de medicamentos recetados a bajo costo en un programa federal que ayuda con los costos de los servicios públicos.
Honoka’a residents Miles Okumura and Lynn Higashi have been selected by AARP, the nonprofit organization for people 50 and older, to receive the 2024 AARP Hawai`iAndrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service.
With families searching for new furry friends this holiday season, criminals are using adorable photos and heart-tugging tales to lure in unsuspecting pet seekers.