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AARP Colorado

Keeping Coloradans informed, engaged and active
FEB 19, 2025
Few things are as deeply woven into the fabric of our nation as Social Security. For over eight decades, this bedrock program has offered economic security and dignity to millions of retirees, people with disabilities, and surviving spouses and children. It is a sacred promise between the government and the American people who pay in and earn their Social Security over a lifetime of hard work.
FEB 13, 2025
Have you ever thought drought can be a winter issue even when there is plenty of snow cover?
FEB 13, 2025
Are you eligible to enroll in Medicare, but don’t know where to start?
FEB 12, 2025
Did you know that Aurora, Colorado has a thriving Nepali community?
It is spring and time to get healthier and start walking together with AARP’s annual walking challenge and sweepstakes.
It started in 2002 as a poetry class in a church basement. When the majority of participants turned out to be seniors it inspired a light bulb moment for Active Minds co-founder John Henderson. Seniors, he thought, might be interested in some classes on the arts and history.
AARP Colorado and No Copay Radio have teamed up and will periodically alert you to the topics being broadcast on No Copay Radio that are important to AARP members in Colorado. Visit this blog often to find past broadcasts that you want to hear.
Please Join AARP Colorado and watch the 2019 AARP Denver City Council Candidate Debates Friday nights from April 5 to April 19 and on Friday May 3 on Colorado Public Television, Channel 12.
If you receive an unsolicited phone call or a pop-up window appears on your computer screen claiming to be with a computer tech support company, don’t engage!
AARP Colorado is hosting an event to help support caregivers and provide them with the information they need on a variety of topics, such as local community resources and medical options.
By Danica Lucker
Find out what you can already be doing to prepare at our free, two-part webinar.
Last year I was reminded once again of the importance of being known in this world. My brother died. Upon his death, I became the last one standing of my biological family. My brother was the last person who had known me my entire life. We had a common origin. We shared a common history. We knew each other from the inside out. Today, I miss “remembering when” with my brother! I long for him to fill in the blanks when I fail to remember a name or an event in our family. More than anything, I long to be known—a predominant desire for human beings that is seemingly magnified as we age.
Anniversaries are especially important when you’re a cancer survivor, which is one reason 70-year old Judye Wahlberg is so excited to participate in the tenth anniversary of Jodi’s Race for Awareness on Saturday, June 8 th, 2019. Wahlberg, and her “Queen’s Team” have taken part in the event every year since the first Jodi’s Race in 2010.
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