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AARP’s Take A Stand campaign is pressing every presidential candidate to tell voters their plan to update Social Security so we can keep the promise to future generations. Visit for more information.
The following post was written by Claudio Gualtieri, AARP Associate State Director, Advocacy for AARP Connecticut
The campaign season is well under way, and AARP wants candidates to tell voters how they would update Social Security for the 21st century and keep the promise for future generations.
The below is from the story by Tribuna
Today’s World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – an annual opportunity for people around the world to raise awareness about elder abuse, neglect and exploitation – is a moment for us all to share information and spread awareness about the prevalence and effect of elder abuse.
AARP Connecticut staff and volunteers were in the community at two fantastic and meaningful events in Hartford on Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5. Attendees at both events had an opportunity to learn more about AARP and the nationwide Take a Stand initiative asking Federal office candidates to lay out their plan to update Social Security so it’s financially sound with adequate benefits.
Most Connecticut residents will receive a significantly lower generation rate than current standard service rates for their electricity beginning July 1. The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) announced the new standard service generation rates for Eversource and United Illuminating (UI) residential customers in early March. Residential standard service rates for Eversource will decrease from 9.555 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to 6.606 cents/kWh, and for UI from 10.7358 cents/kWh to 8.0224 cents/kWh.
Plan roll out begins in 2017 and will be fully operational by 2018
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