Advocating for what is important to our members and giving you a voice at the state and federal levels is a priority for AARP Minnesota. Your voice matters. We work with local organizations and town and city officials on making our communities more livable and greater places to age with dignity and purpose.
AARP is also advocating this year for the creation of a state restitution fund for Minnesota consumers who have lost money to scams. Money for a restitution fund would come from civil penalty payments in consumer fraud enforcement cases.
People are 20 times more likely to save for retirement if contributions are automatically deducted from their paychecks. Minnesota’s Secure Choice Retirement Program is a new state-sponsored plan designed to help small businesses offer employees an easy way to save for their future. Set to launch after January 2025, Secure Choice is:
This year, at the state level, we urge lawmakers to fight fraud, make aging a strategic priority in Minnesota, expand affordable housing options, and strengthen Assisted Living protections for residents living in facilities exempt under the law.
Hello again this is Lynne, and just to remind you, I recently began a new job developing SNAP outreach efforts to help Minnesota nonprofits combat hunger among older adults. One of the best parts of my work is the opportunity to explore new events and settings for connecting seniors to the resources they need. I am learning that the best conversations about Minnesotans’ daily struggles and the programs that can help often take place where I least expect them.
An important change is coming and it will have a major impact on Minnesota consumers. Beginning on October 1 st, the new Minnesota health care marketplace will open its doors. The marketplace – called MNsure – is a one-stop shop where Minnesota consumers can find health insurance that is affordable.
My name is Lynne McMullen and I recently began a new job developing SNAP outreach efforts to help Minnesota nonprofits combat hunger among senior citizens. When I began this assignment I had little understanding of the physical, mental and emotional impact hunger has on thousands of older Minnesotans.
This June, AARP is partnering with Bremer Bank to support food banks across Minnesota, North Dakota and Western Wisconsin. Each view of the the YouTube video below will generate a $1 donation from Bremer Bank up to a total of $10,000. Proceeds will go to support 2nd Harvest Heartland and the Great Plains Food Bank which support food shelves in the three states.
ST. PAUL -- AARP Minnesota today applauded the efforts of State Senator Bobby Champion and State Representative Rick Hansen for their work on authoring bipartisan legislation to help hundreds-of-thousands of Minnesotan citizens who are caring for their parents or loved ones. The legislation (SF 840 and HF 568) has now been approved by both legislative chambers, but certain differences in the two bills still must be addressed.
AARP Minnesota commended a bipartisan group of state legislators today after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation, HF 194, to crack down on wire transfer fraud. According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, tens of thousands of Minnesotans have been scammed by making a wire transfer, resulting in millions of dollars of loss per year.