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AARP AARP States Minnesota Scams & Fraud

Minnesota Scams & Fraud

Online shopping
If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network™ provides free information, tools and tips to help you protect your hard-earned dollars from frauds and scams. AARP Minnesota advocates at the state, federal, and local levels to improve consumer protections and enforce laws. If you've been targeted by scams or fraud, you are not alone.
Stay Informed
Get reliable, up-to-date insights, alerts, and fraud prevention resources.
Find Support
The AARP fraud helpline, 877-908-3360, is free and available to anyone. We also offer online support sessions for further emotional support.
Have a Voice
We advocate for laws and regulations to stop scams and shut down fraud attempts. Share your concerns and help shape the public discussion on fraud.
Join the Fight Against Fraud during AARP Minnesota’s Week of Action, March 3-7, 2025!

Protect Victims of Fraud
Tell your Minnesota lawmakers to protect victims of fraud.

Recent Fraud Posts
Hear from older Minnesotans about the impact of frauds and scams.
AARP Minnesota is pushing for the passage of legislation to create a state-level Consumer Fraud Restitution Fund (Fund) for victims of fraud, modeled after the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Civil Penalty Fund.
Watch our People's Rally and hear stories from people impacted by fraud and learn more about the Fraud Restitution Fund.
Tax season isn’t just about filing returns; it’s also prime time for IRS impostor scams. In 2023 alone, consumers reported losing a staggering $5.8 million to these scams, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Here’s what you need to know to stay one step ahead of these crooks.
Learn about the latest scams during a webinar hosted by AARP Minnesota on Thursday, Jan. 30, at 10 a.m., called Scams to Spot in 2025.
The Federal Trade Commission reported over $10 billion in losses due to fraud and identity theft last year. AARP is committed to combating fraud by educating people about current trends and consumer protections.AARP successfully advocated for new consumer protections in Minnesota this year, including...
Americans reported $9 billion in losses to fraud in 2022—from fake sweepstakes to romance scams. In the current legislative session, AARP Minnesota is pressing state lawmakers to pass a bill that would create a state-level restitution fund for fraud victims. AARP is also targeting 40-year home contracts.
Criminals are adept at exploiting new technologies to scam consumers. AARP advocated for consumer protections to regulate virtual currency kiosks, also known as cryptocurrency ATMs.
Beat con artists at their own game and help to protect others by volunteering with the AARP Fraud Watch Network.

Contact AARP Minnesota
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.