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AARP New Mexico

Working for you right here at home on things that matter to you
Albuquerque Isotopes baseball season begins later this month with opening night Friday, March 28, against the Sacramento River Cats. And AARP New Mexico plans to be part of the season in a couple of ways. The first is a special ticket offer. AARP New Mexico is partnering with the Isotopes to offer a buy one, get one free for any Tuesday, Isotopes home game in the Reserved and Berm levels. Tickets must be purchased in multiple of 2s.
Does your organization have a quick turnaround project? There is still time to submit an application for the 2025 AARP Community Challenge Grant cycle. See how Bike Santa Fe leveraged their funds.
The city of Santa Fe is proud to announce its enrollment in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, a program dedicated to promoting livable communities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.
The Paid Family and Medical Leave Act, House Bill 11, made it through its first committee. The House Health and Human Services Committee Monday passed the bill, on a 6 to 4 vote. It now heads to the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee. Learn more. . .
AARP New Mexico seeks nominations for its 2022 state Andrus Award for Community Service, which honors 50 plus New Mexicans who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members. “AARP New Mexico is excited to highlight and honor individuals who are using what they have learned in life to make a difference in their communities,” said Joseph P. Sanchez, AARP New Mexico State Director.
Volunteering and helping others has been at the heart of everything Louise Tracey-Hosa, of Las Cruces does.
The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department is conducting a virtual summer series on Medicare, with the first presentation taking place Wednesday, June 22. The Department’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) will offer New Mexico residents free, expert, unbiased information and assistance with to help with their Medicare decisions by sharing information through these “Medicare 101” workshops.
AARP New Mexico officials recently met with representatives from the offices of Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan to highlight the urgent need for Congress to address the high cost of prescription drugs. Both Senators reaffirmed their commitment to working toward lowering drug costs, indicting it is a high priority for them. AARP New Mexico also virtually delivered a petition to the Senators signed by 31,499 New Mexicans calling for Congress to act now and stop unfair drug prices.
The annual Silver City Blues Festival is back and in person and AARP New Mexico will once again be a proud sponsor of the event. After two years of a virtual festival during the pandemic, the flagship event in Silver City will be held over Memorial Weekend with in-park festivities, Saturday, May 28, and additional music at the TOAD, which partnered with the city this year.
AARP is encouraging New Mexico voters to make their voices heard by casting their ballots in the Tuesday, June 7, primary election.
AARP New Mexico’s Las Cruces chapter is sharing an overview of outcomes from the 2022 state legislative session and their impact on residents.
The New Mexico Legislature early Thursday morning, Feb. 17, passed a compromise tax package that included eliminating the tax on Social Security benefits for moderate income retirees. Those earning over $100,000 annually would still be subject to the tax.
One of AARP’s priority issues for the Session – eliminating the tax on Social Security benefits – has hit several hurdles, despite five different bills being introduced that aim at eliminating the tax in some manner.
The majority of New Mexico voters, across party lines, support eliminating the state income tax on Social Security benefits, states a new AARP poll of voters age 50 and over. AARP New Mexico is calling on lawmakers to make eliminating the tax a top priority for the New Mexico 2022 Legislative Session.
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