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Check out local, state and national events and event news below. We’d love to have you join us
Meet AARP Long Island at the ballpark this summer! Stop by the AARP Long Island table on the concourse at various dates to get to know our volunteers and learn more about what we’re doing in your community.
Did you know that regular exercise and meditation techniques could lead to sharper thinking, a healthier brain, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline?
Are you looking to jumpstart your fitness and nutrition journey, but not sure where to begin? Connect with AARP New York for a three-part virtual series, Let’s Get Fit, with personal trainer, Damian Raibon. This comprehensive series covers how to obtain the proper mindset to achieve your fitness goals, how to build a nutrition plan, and demonstrate basic exercises for maximum physical impact.
Connect with AARP New York for a five-part virtual series of Tai Chi, a gentle exercise that is suitable for older adults which offers the benefits of flexibility, muscle strengthening and endurance. AARP members and guests are invited to join us to learn the core principles of an art that creates unity between the body and mind.
Whether you are working, semi-retired or retired, we all live busy lives and have habits in place. There may be areas of our home that are cluttered and overwhelm us. AARP members and guests are invited to our four-part Declutter Your Home NOW! virtual series with local decluttering and organizing presenters.
AARP New York volunteers are a dynamic group of people using skills they’ve cultivated. They work to improve the lives of fellow New Yorkers — and not just folks age 50 and older. They may attend a hip hop concert and hand out fliers about Medicare. They might lend a hand at food drives around Thanksgiving. Or they may travel to Albany to make sure the governor and state legislators are aware of vital issues, like caregiving support and unaffordable prescription drug prices. Whether you love meeting new people, working on projects that matter to your community, or speaking up on issues that impact people 50 and older, AARP has a role for you.
AARP members and guests are invited to Finding Friends of All Ages: The Benefits of Intergenerational Play, a webinar offered by the National Strong Museum of Play that explores the proven benefits of intergenerational relationships.
Want to practice basic jig and reel steps this Irish American Heritage Month? AARP members and guests are invited to our virtual three-part beginners' series: Introduction to Irish Step Dancing with Irish dancer Michael Putman.
Learn the steps to an Irish jig, discover Irish traditions and rituals, and explore the history of Irish writers for Irish American Heritage Month. This March, we recognize the many contributions Irish immigrants and their descendants have made in the U.S. through their writing, dancing, and customs.
AARP members and guests are invited to join us for free paper shredding events at select locations around New York state. Connect with AARP New York to fight back against fraud and help protect yourself from identity theft by shredding sensitive personal documents post-tax-season.
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