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Learn how government policy and elections affect older Americans, and how AARP is fighting for them in Congress and across the country.

AARP North Carolina

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MAR 4, 2025
Physical fitness isn’t just for the young or athletic. Thanks to trainers like Elizabeth Moakler, physical fitness can foster a sense of community and transcend geographical boundaries.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
FEB 27, 2025
AARP Spring Cooking Series
The AARP North Carolina Summer Nutrition & Easy Cooking Series is for everyone who wants to make brain health a priority, learn more about brain-healthy foods that are truly tasty, and to find inspiration for easy cooking on a daily basis.
NC Voters 50+ Oppose the Chained CPI, Believe Social Security Should Not Be Cut to Reduce the Deficit
By Jean C. Setzfand
Do you know how the Health Care Law will directly affect you, your family or your place of business? If you are like many people, you may have questions about what the law means for you. Join AARP for a free, 60-minute webinar on Thursday, March 21 at 2:00 p.m. to get an overview of the changes and improvements in the law. Go to to register. During the session, we will help you separate facts from fiction and explain what the health care law means for
Raise your voice before they raise your rates
Just in case you thought that some of our politicians had run out of bad ideas, they’ve come up with another deeply troubling one: Cutting Social Security as a way to fix Washington’s budget problems.
As more people discover that North Carolina is a great place to age and to retire, they are also finding AARP as a way to take better charge of their future health and economic security.
March 26 – Lexington, Scam Jam, Lexington Senior Center, 555-B West Center Street Ext., Lexington, 1:00 – 4:00. Free. NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall is the keynote speaker. Also speaking are representatives of the NC Attorney General’s Office, the NC Department of Insurance Senior Medicare Patrol, Secretary of State’s Securities Division, Better Business Bureau, and AARP. Advance registration is required; to register please call 336/242-2290. Deadline to register is March 22.
Once again this year, AARP Foundation is providing free tax assistance and preparation for taxpayers with low to moderate income through the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in its 46 th year, is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service, giving special attention the older population. You do not need to be a member of AARP or a retiree to use this service.
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