Can you afford a major increase in your auto insurance rates? AARP advocates have successfully weighed in and helped push back on prior insurance rate hike requests. With insurers calling for a 22.6 percent increase this year, AARP can help you make your voices heard.
Nearly half of North Carolina’s private-sector workers—more than 1.8 million people—don’t have a way to save for retirement through their employers. AARP hopes to change that by pushing for the creation of a state-facilitated retirement savings program during the upcoming legislative session.
Social Security is your money — you earned it through a lifetime of hard work. And like most Americans, that money is needed to help cover living expenses and pay bills. Nearly one-in-five North Carolina residents - 2,183,353 million people – receive Social Security benefits, and 50 percent of residents 65 and older (880,949) rely on the program for at least half of their income.
The bill would require that less-restrictive alternatives be considered before resorting to court-ordered guardianships for older North Carolinians and people with disabilities.
It’s National Savings Day – the one day a year set aside to remind us of the importance of saving and reflect on our own savings habits. At AARP, we don’t need a national holiday to remind us just how vital saving for the future is. We know that saving for retirement is one of the most important things you can do for your future, and we work 365 days a year to provide resources to help you plan and grow your savings. But, we can’t do it alone. That’s why this National Savings Day, we are calling on North Carolina lawmakers to create a Work and Save program to make saving for the future easier for everyone.
RALEIGH -- A simple way to start saving for retirement through payroll deductions may soon be a reality for over 1.7 million North Carolina workers who don't have access to pensions and 401Ks. The bi-partisan NC Work and Save bill (HB 899), introduced in the General Assembly in May, creates an easy-to-use, plug-and-play savings proposal requiring little effort or fiduciary responsibility from small businesses that want to offer their workers an important benefit.
At AARP, we are committed to giving you access to the tools and resources you need to effectively manage your money, especially in uncertain times like these.