The calendar has turned to February, and suddenly we are already four weeks into Legislative Session. The deadline for introducing bills was this past Wednesday, so the final tally for the Legislature’s 2025 agenda is over 540 bills, resolutions and commemorations.
Do you have an idea to make your community an even better place to live? Now's your chance to make it happen because the 2025 AARP Community Challenge Grant program is now open.
With week nine in the books, we have officially completed the last full week of South Dakota's 2019 legislative session. We spent this week wrapping up our work in the Capitol and looking ahead to the priorities that have been laid out for 2019.
With week nine in the books, we have officially completed the last full week of South Dakota's 2019 legislative session. We spent this week wrapping up our work in the Capitol and looking ahead to the priorities that have been laid out for 2019.
AARP in Sioux Falls is excited to be partnering again with Active Generations and Frontier Bank to present the 9th Annual Money Matter for All Ages Seminar on Thursday, April 4.
The month of March is officially upon us and AARP South Dakota’s work for you continues in Pierre. We have only one full week of the 2019 SD Legislative Session remaining so we spent much of this week following up on ongoing legislation.
Week seven is a busy and important week each year in the SD legislature. It is the final week for a bill to pass out of the committee in it's chamber of origin. This means a bill has to have been given a favorable recommendation in the first committee so it can be heard on the chamber floor before crossover day. "Crossover Day" is Monday, and marks the last opportunity for a bill originating in the House to move to the Senate, and vice versa. If a bill has not crossed over to the other chamber by the end of the day on Monday, it is considered dead.