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AARP Texas

Tirelessly working for Texans 50+ and their families
SEP 4, 2024
Los residentes en Texas pueden programar citas para la vacuna COVID-19 o acudir a una farmacia cercana para vacunarse. Aquí te mostramos cómo encontrar una vacuna actualizada cerca de ti.
SEP 4, 2024
Texas residents can schedule new COVID-19 vaccine appointments or walk into a nearby pharmacy to get a shot. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
SEP 2, 2024
A Texas-focused empty nest study will examine the lives of parents whose children leave home.
AUG 29, 2024
Be Prepared: Join AARP Texas for vital emergency readiness tips on Sept 12. Call 1-833-380-0647.
AUG 26, 2024
Last year, Texans faced 429,000 fraud cases, including identity theft, with losses of $636.4 million, according to the Federal Trade Commission
A list of resources for emergency alerts, power outages, road closures, shelters and more.
AARP Texas has collaborated with Texas Appleseed, a nonprofit advocacy organization, to produce a tool kit for financial caregivers who manage money or property for loved ones unable to do so themselves. “Managing Someone Else’s Money in Texas” includes six guides tailored to people serving in specific roles, such as agents under a power of attorney and court-appointed guardians. The kit also includes a fraud-fighting guide to help prevent elder financial abuse.
Community Challenge grantees will work to make their communities great places to live for people of all ages.
Agencias locales y organizaciones que pueden hacer el proceso de cuidar más fácil, no importa en qué punto de tu trayectoria te encuentres.
The new Statewide Interagency Aging Services Coordinating Council has started work on a five-year plan to meet the needs of a rapidly aging population.
A Statewide Interagency Aging Services Coordinating Council will meet quarterly to ensure that public agencies in Texas providing services to older adults communicate and collaborate.
AARP Texas and KSAT hosted a recent conversation about the future of Social Security. Starting 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, watch a 30-minute segment from the event.
Texas: Encuentra información sobre las fechas de las próximas elecciones, fechas límite para registrarte y las distintas opciones para votar, como el voto por correo, adelantado o cómo ejercer tu derecho cuando tienes una discapacidad.
Texas: Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting, such as voting by mail, early voting or voting with a disability.
How to get help after severe storms leave a trail of damage and power outages on a voting day in Texas.
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.