On Sunday, May 19, 2019, the ETA Chapter, of Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority, is sponsoring the 22 nd Annual Presentation of the “Glowing Lamp For The Nurse” Awards. AARP Southeastern (SEVA) Virginia Community Ambassador Sharon Gooden-Harrell is one of the special honorees.
The 2019 Senior Awareness Day will be held on April 30, 2019 from 9:00 to 2:00 at Timberlake United Methodist Church, Lynchburg. There will be workshops and educational booths, as well as entertainment and food--all free and open to the public with no advance registration required. The event is sponsored by the Departments of Social Services in Amherst, Appomattox, Lynchburg and Campbell County, and Campbell County Recreation Department.
Meet new friends and have fun while staying healthy as part of Roanoke’s premier walking group. We are moving forward! Join us and enjoy the great spring weather.
Join us for lunch and hear from medical and community professionals on a wide range of topics that help you stay informed and active. ACTIVE meets every last Wednesday of the month from noon - 1:30 p.m. in the Engh Conference Center of Inova Mount Vernon Hospital.
DALEVILLE _ Arizona hiker Mike Fagan will take a short break from hiking the Appalachian Trail next week to spend some time with AARP Virginia volunteers and guests.
If you are an older adult, caregiver, professional, para-professional or student in aging, health or related fields, and if you are interested in health and wellness you should attend.
WHY: Millions of seniors in our nation live at or below the poverty line. Help provide a hot meal on a cold day and remind thousands of seniors in need that the community has not forgotten them.