AARP Richmond North Chapter #5356 has teamed up with AARP Virginia and the Fifth Street Baptist Church to present the Thirteenth Health and Wellness Fair. This year’s theme is “The gift of CAREGIVING – One of Life’s Surprises.”
AARP Chapter #5309 is hosting its monthly meeting at 10 a.m. on October 19 at the Windsor Ruritan Clubhouse, located on 14 Community Drive, Windsor VA 23487.
AARP Virginia is looking for people who want to make a difference in their community and in our state. We have several opportunities available for you to get involved as an AARP Virginia volunteer in southeast Virginia.
The Arlington Central Library is about to be very busy in the upcoming months as it hosts three AARP workshops which take place in October through November. The workshops are the AARP HomeFit Workshop, Life Reimagined: Discovering Your New Life Possibilities, and Caregiving 101: Preparing to Care for Your Loved One.
Join AARP and the Fairfax Caregiver Seminar Consortium for the fall 2016 Free Seminars for Family Caregivers Series. This series is designed to help family caregivers of older adults and/or adults with a disability learn to manage the daily issues that caregiving presents. To register for any of these events, visit, or call 703 324 5205, TTY 711. To request reasonable ADA accommodations, call 703-324-5868, TTY 711.
Join AARP and the Fairfax Caregiver Seminar Consortium for the fall 2016 Free Seminars for Family Caregivers Series. This series is designed to help family caregivers of older adults and/or adults with a disability learn to manage the daily issues that caregiving presents. To register for any of these events, visit, or call 703-324-5205, TTY 711. To request reasonable ADA accommodations, call 703-324-5868, TTY 711.