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Livable Communities

Alexandria residents are invited to a presentation on creating livable communities, Wednesday, June 21 at Beatley Central Library at 5005 Duke St., Alexandria, VA from 10 a.m. to noon. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m, and light refreshments will be served.
By Gil Klein
Recognize an exceptional Virginia volunteer!
What if all homes could be suitable for anyone regardless of a person’s age or physical ability? What if a person who wants to live independently, regardless of his or her age or physical ability could do just that? AARP teamed up with partners: Arlington Neighborhood Village, Arlington Library, and a panel of experts, to bring practical answers to these questions. This workshop, Staying Home: Making Smart Choices for Easy Living, was attended by over 120 people on April 1, 2017 in Arlington, Virginia. For most in the audience, the concerns raised struck a personal note, and they came to understand the choices available for them and their households.
Join AARP Virginia for a Volunteering Open House!
AARP Virginia is looking for people who want to make a difference in their community and in our state. We have several opportunities available for you to get involved as an AARP Virginia volunteer in southeast Virginia.
Small changes in your home can make a big difference. Home modifications, even small ones, can enhance your comfort and safety. They can enable you to thrive as your living situation changes and happily welcome visitors to your home - from grandchildren to adult children and friends. You are invited to attend a free workshop to find out how simple changes to your home can create an environment where everyone is welcome, and where everyone can flourish.
AARP Virginia is dedicated to help end the fight against hunger. In order to do this we have dedicated the month of September to focusing on fighting hunger in all areas of Virginia with events all across the state.
Join AARP Virginia and the McLean Community: A Village for All Ages (McLean CVA) for Dinner at Pulcinella - The Italian Host
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