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AARP Wyoming

Your source on health care, retirement & utility issues in Wyoming
MAR 5, 2025
Headed up by Tracy Swaim, AARP Wyoming’s 2024 Fraud Fighter of The Year, you’ll hear about the latest scams, get insights from engaging guests like local law enforcement, FBI representatives or consumer protection advocates, and test your knowledge with lively fraud trivia. Bring your questions for the live Q&A and leave feeling more confident in protecting yourself and your loved ones.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
View the latest information and articles from AARP Wyoming.
MAR 5, 2025
The Public Service Commission (PSC) announced this morning its hearing for a proposed rate increase for Rocky Mountain Power customers in Wyoming will now be held Tuesday, March 11 in the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (PSC) Hearing Room located at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300 in Cheyenne.
TeleTown Hall Scheduled for April 22
TeleTown Hall Planned for April 15
AARP will host a live Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall every Thursday at 12 p.m. (CST). Experts at this week’s live Q&A event will address your questions related to protecting yourself and loved ones from the virus, staying healthy and reducing social isolation.
On March 31, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, Dr. Alexia Harrist, and Lisa Osvold joined AARP Wyoming members for a TeleTown Hall, in which AARP dialed out to over 14,000 members in Wyoming to connect them with their Governor. Here is a summary of that call.
In 2018, AARP Wyoming decided to transition one town into a Community Action Team (CAT), the first in the state. This was uncharted territory and the correct path to make this new attempt work was unclear. What was clear, however, was who stepped up to lead in this new endeavor, Barbra Summers, who stepped up and quickly made Casper’s CAT a hot spot for her community to get together.
Application Deadline is May 15, 2020
On Tuesday, March 31, at 3:45 p.m., AARP Wyoming will host Governor Mark Gordon on a TeleTown Hall to talk about the latest impacts of COVID19 in Wyoming.
Tax time is here again and so are the IRS impostors! Scammers posing as IRS agents or Treasury Department officials continue their deceptive ways. Know that the IRS will first contact you through the mail if you owe taxes. If you receive a phone call or suspicious email or text from the IRS, chances are it’s a scammer posing as an IRS agent. If you receive a scam call, hang up immediately and report the call to the IRS at 800-366-4484 or If you receive an email, forward it to the IRS at, and then delete it.
In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Wyoming is providing information and resources to help older Wyomingites and those caring for them protect themselves from the virus and help prevent it from spreading to others.
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